Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Back to hardware tonight...

In my quest for global domination - er, figuring out how to actually build a working board - I started playing with kicad (inspired by AVRopendous... I'm getting one of those soon) and did a first pass of USBhalfasp, my not-quite-1-layer version of the board...

I broke down and got the silver pen locally - it does, in fact, work. I'm probably going to use bus wire (where possible) for the ground and 5v planes, and then see how much I can get out of using the pen to avoid putting down too many wires. Looking at the board layout I could hypothetically get away with only using two...

[There's a bug in the layout where the 1.5k ohm pullup resistor for D+ is in parallel with the 68ohm resistor. This means that it wouldn't work. It also needs a jumper for the reset pin and a second wiring so USBasp would actually work. and most importantly, a pullup on the reset pin!]

I was hoping to have this board built today, but it took much of the evening to get the board planned out. And I think I want to add A/V outputs to this as well, assuming I can get to the PWM pins for audio...

More on this tomorrow, unless I get distracted by yet another shiny thing. Which with me could always happen...

1 comment:

Hunter said...

Ohhhhhhhh, shiny thing.
