Wednesday, December 17, 2008

random ideas and stuff

Been busy IRL lately so I haven't had nearly enough time to carry out evil plans, while plans keep popping into my head.

Like, perhaps, a C-like interpreter that might actually fit in my AVR chip. Because there needs to be more stuff like that. And then I could make a standalone computer out of the evilmadscientist board.

Other random things:

- Got sniped on 208 older CPLD's by $1. They would've been 40 cents each. :P

- Needs to get something credible working soon.

- Broke down and ordered a real AVRISP mk II this morning, just in time for AVRopendous to get fixed, as far as I can tell.

- I need to solder a few things - like a male db9 plugin, a din-4 for mah ADB experiments, that kinda thing.

- It'd be fun to implement ADB in that interpreter.

- And more fun to make that interpreter a compiler, too. Running on the AVR of course.

(This is, of course, nigh impossible, or at least insane...)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

For a C-like interpreter for the USB AVRs (compatible with the AVROpendous I believe) check out Bitlash, posted on the LUFA support list a few days ago:

- Dean